
Gambling Game Backgammon: Origin and History

Backgammon, one of the oldest known board games, has its roots traced back nearly 5,000 years to Mesopotamia. The game’s enduring allure stems from its unique combination of strategy and luck, evolving over the centuries while retaining its core essence. Historically, backgammon was a game of aristocrats that symbolized status and intelligence, and was constantly associated with betting, making it a staple in gambling houses, and in modern times, online Joo Casino accepts players to play backgammon.

Interest in the Game of Backgammon

The popularity of Backgammon can be attributed to its intriguing blend of strategy and chance, appealing to a broad range of players. Its relatively simple rules, coupled with the depth of strategy required, make it accessible yet challenging. The element of gambling in Backgammon, with stakes raised using the doubling cube, adds an exciting dimension to the game, amplifying the thrill and appeal. The advent of online platforms has further fueled its popularity, making it accessible to a global audience and allowing enthusiasts to play anytime, anywhere.

What Types of Games Exist?

In Backgammon, various formats and versions exist, each offering a unique twist to the gameplay:

  • Match Play: Players compete in a series of games, aiming to reach a predetermined number of points.
  • Money Play: Each game is played for stakes, with the winner receiving the established amount per point.
  • Chouette: A multi-player variant where one player competes against a team of players, adding a social and dynamic element to the game.
  • Tapa: A variant where players can only hit blot (single checker) and cannot build blocks (two or more checkers). One of the most important rules in Joo Casino among tournament participants.
History of the Game of Backgammon

How to Play Backgammon in an Online Casino?

Playing Backgammon in online casinos is seamless and convenient. Players can join Backgammon rooms or tables, choosing opponents and setting stakes. The game’s objective remains the same: to move all checkers to the home board and bear them off before the opponent.

  • Choose a Casino and Game Variant: giving preference to Joo Casino online with a good reputation, offers backgammon, and variable types for bets.
  • Set Up and Start: After joining a table, the game begins with each player rolling a die to determine the first move. Players then proceed to move their checkers according to the rules of the chosen variant.
  • Doubling Cube: The doubling cube introduces the gambling aspect, allowing players to raise the stakes during the game, enhancing the excitement and strategic depth.
  • Winning and Payouts: The player who bears off all their checkers first wins the game, receiving the agreed-upon stakes or the amount determined by the doubling cube.


Backgammon’s rich history, intriguing mix of strategy and luck, and its inherent gambling element have cemented its status as a timeless classic in the world of games. Its simplicity, depth, and the excitement of raising stakes make it a captivating game for both novice and seasoned players. The availability of backgammon at Joo Casino online has democratized access to the game, allowing enthusiasts from all over the world to experience the thrill of this ancient game and test their skills and luck in a modern and convenient environment.

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